Lamborghini Service, Repair, Tune Up & Maintenance
As the proud owner of a Lamborghini, you’re already used to people “oohing and ahhing” when they see your exotic baby. You’ve experienced it all, from people racing to catch up to you (because you graciously allow them) just to take a picture, while they dangerously drive their own car with one hand, to others assuming you must be a celebrity.
When you decide it’s time to get even more incredible performance from your supercar, or even if she just needs some repair, you won’t even consider taking your baby to he nearest mechanic. Oh no! You seek out a top specialist to give your baby the respect she deserves. That is where Forza comes in! With over twenty years experience, Forza provides customers with full service vehicle repair by factory certified technicians. Forza offers a complete line of performance packages including: engine/drivetrain modifications, supercharger/twin turbo builds and custom tuning on high performance vehicles like the Lamborghini and much more.
Forza’s state of the art facility has the most advanced automotive technology available. Our All Wheel Drive (AWD) Dynamometer provides the safest and most accurate solution for testing, tuning and certifying vehicle performance. Our global network of partners ensures access to the most advanced manufacturer specific diagnostic and tuning equipment available. We welcome all car enthusiasts to arrange a tour of our facility.