These guys are the real deal. Had a Ferrari PPI from Kentucky and they were my only eyes and hands on it as I had no contacts in the area that I could trust to put their eyes on it for me. I was riding blind on this deal. They were my only “agent” I could lean on as I’m about 5 states south in San Antonio, TX. The owner of the shop did an extensive bumper to bumper inspection with true Ferrari diagnostics. At least 3 hours of labor and then spoke with me for over an hour on the phone that evening before I flew out going through all his notes taking up his after business time. They offered to pick me up from Louisville airport and brought me to the shop probably 20 miles away – side note I’ve never been more impressed with an Evo.

​The great service didn’t stop there. So of course how things go at the eleventh hour, Grundy insurance didn’t come through like expected. All of a sudden- ‘oh well um underwriting needed a couple more forms signed and need a report from the DMV…’ Didn’t tell me yesterday when I sent everything else to them before their bankers hours closed. Honestly after all that shouldn’t have chose them for this pony but no one came close to their annual premium for a stabled horse. I digress. Short of the long, Forza let me utilize what I needed to pull off what insurance was asking for i.e. Time printer internet email etc. they could see there was a bind and didn’t question. They made me feel welcome as I hung out and got the problem solved and never once felt like I was intruding.

I have plenty of pix if any doubt if they service and rebuild the best of the best. Want proof? I’ve got plenty of pix as I documented my cannonball run journey from Texas and back as I had to kill time dealing with Grundy while there. So “ain’t no Mickey Mouse operation.” Just ask and I’ll send pix to show. Plus has given me plenty of advice and tips in general and on the specific vehicle before leaving and since. Even checked in on me on my 17 hour solo journey.

Want me to keep going? Just ask…